Friday, July 1, 2011

Avian Digestive System (Chicken)

B/N: It took me long to decide upon the layout for my first real post. I was contemplating on whether to do the editing on the html box or to juts PS (Photoshop: the term i use to refer to photo manipulation) everything to make my entry look neat and flashy. In the end, I've decided to keep it simple and easy (to do, that is).^^v

For my monogastric nutrition class' first laboratory activity, we, nutrition students, were tasked to dissect a chicken to get a first-hand-view of its digestive tract. After performing the dissection, we measured the length and diameter of the organs of the G.I tract. We were supposed to measure the pH level of the organs too but unfortunately, the only available pH meter stick in the department is now dysfunctional. :/

I could discuss about these organs and their functions but I do not deem myself as an authority in this subject as of now. So better leave it to the experts, no? (kay, fine, guess I'm just too lazy to do it myself)

I'll just share my pictures for ya'll<3. I could have done better at macro photography though : (

What you're seeing here are my group-mate's hands -err, i mean, the duodenal loop and pancreas

This is supposed to be the esophagus/eosophagus, however you want to spell it

This is the the chicken's crop. I suppose she had lived a happy and contented life before she died (B/N: The chicken's a she btw)

This is my favorite chicken digestive organ -the proventriculus with the fatty gizzard at the background. My favorite street food vendor fashionably calls it proven but I only call it that when it's swimming on a pool of my favorite vinegar mix

The gizzard/ventriculus. Now, without the fat you've seen earlier.

Zze liver. Great for Zstews. *slurp*

This is basically everything the lower small intestine. (jejunum and ileum)

The bile. Yes, I have nothing to say about it

This is the cecum/caecum. I'm supposed to type ceca/caeca but since the other cecum wasn't included in the picture... wait! oh, there it is! quarter of it

The colon. Commonly referred to as the large intestine but in actuality, the large intestine is the collective term for the cecum, colon and rectum.

I know i'm not supposed to post profanity but I'm sure you all want to see it. So here's the vent everyone^.^

We've dissected a muscovy duck too but my camera gave up on me and died without going through halfway the entire exercise. I'll post it up when i get copies^^ And just a heads up, I might be able to post updates about a fistulated ovine in the future

P.S. Will be back with a dl link for the HD pics

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